
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today I am five

As of today, I have been lurking in a rhythmic fashion for five whole years.

That's five years of me blathering about science fiction, role-playing games, alternate-history colonial-era superheroes, Curse/Or, Pellatarrum, guns, and of course, magical talking pastel-colored ponies.

If you're a member of my posse, please leave me a message in the comments below.

Or link to me! I love linkbacks.


  1. Happy Blogiversary! I found you through Grumpy Bastard and I am now a member of your posse. Oh, and will you please marry me?

  2. I've still gotta figure out a way to get blogs into my regular rotation of websites to visit.  Just started a WordPress blog a couple of weeks ago which helps bring other WP blogs into my combined feed, but that hasn't helped with anyone who is using any other system. Anyway, my fault, not yours, you're awesome, I'm an idiot. And happy birthday, belated!

  3. Congratulations on your blogaversary!

  4. Guns and ponies?  Woo.

    Here's to another five as I just found out about this via Weer'd.

    Though I had been reading Friendship is Dragons.  Small internet.
