
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sometimes I wonder

... what the various subscribers to this blog think when they come upon its varied and contradictory output.

The bronies who subscribed after my weeks-long opus on My Little Pony were probably shocked  and horrified to discover that I like to own and shoot guns.

Gunbloggers, on the other hand, probably (quite literally) wondered "What is this happy horse shit?" upon seeing that a fellow shooter also enjoys magical talking pastel cartoon ponies.

The role-players are probably taking sides with one of the above groups, and the creative-writing people are sitting in a corner smoking cigarettes and muttering about when I'm going to put out more Curse/Or.  The only people I think I please on a consistent basis are the Discordians.

Fear, confusion, and annoyance. My work here is done.  ;)


  1. I like that you're not one dimensional.  It makes me think I need to post more about cigars, bourbon, and poker.

  2. I'm a Discordian Friendly RPG'er, so I'm ok with everything.

  3. You're not the only RPGing brony with a military bent.

  4. Oh absolutely. But imagine what a small demographic that must be!

  5. And then there's the crowd still trying to figure out which part of the outfit is the Cyber Straitjacket ...

  6.  LOL. That's a leftover from a previous picture:

  7. Hey, my blog is so one dimensional it is like watching concrete dry. I appreciate the fact I NEVER know what is going to happen here!

  8. Me, I love geeks: that is to say, people who are interested in things (appropriate examples include bronies, gunnies, gamers, etc). When people are interested in a lot of different things, that's pretty awesome. I currently segregate my interests into different blogs, which is perhaps something I shouldn't do (it might be why I can't think of what to post in some of them). Plus, I don't have enough blogs for all of my interests. Then there are things that I am interested in, but don't have the (money/time/whatever) necessary to pursue them - in which case I live vicariously through blogs like yours.

    Hm, maybe I should scrap everything and move to just one blog for everything. But what do you call a blog which covers RPGs, werewolves, polytheism, swords (and other weapons), boxing, wrestling, the Old West, the Irish and Scots (and Welsh, Breton, Cornish, Manx, Gauls, etc), medieval Scandinavia and Slavic regions, Renaissance magic and alchemy, H.P. Lovecraft, Star Wars, Japan, and old SF, among other things (including, abstractly since I can't afford the hobby at the moment, guns)? Worse, who besides me would read it?

  9. With the exception of Star Wars, I think you just described the entire White Wolf product line from the 90s.

  10. There are a few gunblogging Bronies.

    I found this page from your commenting on Weerd's and was already reading Friendship is Dragons but didn't know the connection.

    Speaking of strange mixes here's grungilee:

  11.  I would totally read that!  Go for it.

  12. Or you've revealed yourself as a kindred spirit.

  13. I'm not sure how I came to find your blog (I've been blaming Miguel at Gun Free Zone a lot lately for introducing me to new blogs, might as well keep the streak alive). Love the gun stuff but there sure were a lot of ponies.

    So, to keep the ponies from appearing in my 'Guns' Google Reader folder, I subscribed to your RSS Feed using the 'Guns' label.

  14. Um... I have to admit I don't have a clue what you're talking about most of the time, but I like your style. :)

  15. you certainly do keep it interesting. :)

  16. Yeah, I can see that. Too many splatbooks, though.

  17. it weird that I find the mix entirely not weird?  I didn't even notice the dissonance until you pointed it out.

  18. Apparently you're one of the rare Gun Bronies in the world. Welcome to my particular blend of insanity! :D

  19. That's cool. It's one reason I made the "I Like Guns" tab, after all. 

  20. Gun yes, Brony, no, can't say as it's my thing, I just don't comprehend the problem with them in the same place.  I've certainly played weirder home-brew RPG's after a week long insomnia and caffeine fueled game-a-thon.  Now, show me an up-armored Pony with some hard points for machine guns and rockets, throw in some laser eyes, and I'll totally discuss the merits of 5.56 vs 7.62 full auto in that application.  
