
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

This Response To Help LGBT People Learn Gun Safety Is OVERWHELMING

... reads the title of this article from Chicks on the Right,  which talks about my project to map out LGBT-friendly firearms trainers.

I was insanely busy Monday night, but I took the time to do an email interview with Miss CJ, who is married to one of the lovely people volunteering to help with what has become known as Project Blazing Sword.*

I encourage you to check it out. It's a good read, and it puts the lie to the liberal left's assertion that gun owners are all intolerant, gay-hating conservatives.

Oh, and some dude known as Larry Correia linked to us on Facebook. ;)

As as result of these referrals, my little map is getting huge now. We can hardly see the continental USA for all the purple pins. And this isn't even all of them!  I still have scores of emails and Facebook PM's to sort through.

Thank you, everyone, and great job!

* It's a Voltron reference. As busy as I am, poor Gwen Patton of Pink Pistols is even busier, and when someone said I should coordinate my efforts with her I said "We're both too busy right now, but when things settle down we'll form up like Voltron."

To which Gwen said "And I'll form the head."

From there, calling this little project "Blazing Sword" was pretty much a given:

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