In this week's podcast:
- Erin and Weer'd discuss the optics of Oliver North as the new NRA President.
- Savage discusses ways to get your cryptocurrencies to start making money for you.
- In Washington in Plain English, Connie explains the implications of the revelation that the FBI was indeed spying on the Trump Campaign.
- Weer'd fisks part one of the Brady Campaign video "Gun Violence 101"
- And in Tales from the Trunk, Steven talks about how one deals with the basic biological necessities when stuck in your car on surveillance.
Listen to the episode here.
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Show Notes:
- Thoughts on the NRA’s New President
- Brady Campaign: Gun Violence 101
- We adjust for population with murder rates. Why not for mass shootings?
- Children’s Exposure to Violence Survey (PDF)
- Bloomberg Lying about School Shootings
- National Fire Protection Assosiation School Fire facts
- Study Finds Criminals Get their Guns from Family and Friends
- Everytown Unintentional Shootings
- Myth of the Virgin Killer (PDF)
- After year of investigation, Trump can rightly claim some vindication
- “Collusion Against Trump” Timeline
- Code Name Crossfire Hurricane: The Secret Origins of the Trump Investigation
- Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation
- Gowdy to Chris Wallace: Do You Want To Know The Truth About Whether Steele Dossier Was Used To Get FISA Warrant?
- Was Trump’s Campaign ‘Set Up’?
- About That FBI ‘Source’
Did the bureau engage in outright spying against the 2016 Trump campaign? - The FBI Informant Who Wasn’t Spying
A secret source insinuated himself with Trump campaign officials. Ho hum. - Kimberley Strassel Tweets on Crossfire Hurricane
- Concealed FISA Docs May Hold Key to Trump Surveillance
- Stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all
- Diane Roark’s 2013 Frontline Interview
- Madison on the Dangers of War
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