
Saturday, June 17, 2023

My LibertyCon Panels

So, I'm going to be a panelist at LibertyCon next week. If you don't already have tickets, it's too late; they went on sale in March and sold out in a day, and I didn't know for certain I'd be a panelist until late in May. 

For those of you who are attending, I hope you will be able to attend one of my panels. Here's my schedule

I was curious who was on these panels with me, but I had received no information to that end. It took me longer than I feel comfortable admitting to realize that I could just click on the even name on the website and I would see who is presenting!

The following is a reconstruction of my thoughts as I read each entry. 
  • Opening CeremoniesOK, I'm a presenter for the convention several panels, it makes sense that they want me in the opening ceremonies. Not a big deal, this is likely just going to be a "smile and wave after being introduced" kind of thing. I expect a lot of people to be there, and there will be. 
  • Meet and Greet the First Timers: Again, this makes sense. I have no idea what's expected of me, nor who any of the other people are, so I'm going to be clueless and without backup. 
  • The Basic Survivalist: All right! This is solidly within my wheelhouse. I don't know most of the people, but I know Cedar Sanderson and Jason Cordova and they like me, so this ought to be a fun panel. 
  • Building a Bug Out's just me. 

Now to be clear, this is not a problem. While I wouldn't consider myself the foremost authority on building a BOB, I know that I can give a practical presentation and speak with experience on the subject. I'm just stunned that I'm running a solo presentation at my very first LibertyCon as a panelist! I mean, I know that I won't suck, but how does the convention committee know that?

Also, it's a really good thing that I checked, because otherwise I would have just shown up on Sunday morning all herp-de-derp, thinking I was on a panel, and then be in for a terrible surprise. I had planned to bring along a BOB for a demonstration, but that's now gone from a "Nice to have" to "Must bring along". 

Also, I'm up against some pretty hefty competition: autograph sessions, author readings, and the Kaffeeklatsch where people can have coffee with no less than Timothy Zahn and David Weber!

So if you're at LibertyCon next weekend, please come by and say hi! If you like hugs, I enjoy hugging so be sure to collect one from me. 

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