So, last night Squeaky posted that between the YouCaring site and private donations to her PayPal account, we've broken the $3000 mark. Hooray!
This also means that you've unlocked what is, essentially, the Cheesecake Photograph Tier. Quoting from my post about Stretch Goals:
$3000: I might be persuaded to do a bikini pic. I warn you, however, that this isn't nearly as titillating as you might think. But if you want something fun, flirty, pin-up, etc, this is your goal. You poor bastards.Now before you jump to conclusions, I want you all to know that I'm not going to weasel out of this at all. Squeaky has given me all sorts of escape valves here -- "Have you ever considered the fact that you don't have to wear ONLY a bikini?" -- but I have a sense of honor about keeping my word. I'm not going to let the fact that I am so freaked out about showing more than my face that, when I heard the news, I threw up a couple times stop me from fulfilling my obligations.
Because I might be an asshole, but I'm an honest asshole, dammit.
Even though I honestly thought you folks would never donate that much, and I was never in any danger of having to see it through, and I included that tier only to entice folks to donate more, I will keep the promises I made.
But I am going to beg you guys -- please don't ask me to pose in a bikini. Please. You think you want to see this, but you do not. I cannot stress this with enough force. I will find character references, if necessary, to back up how nasty my body is.
You will be horribly disappointed if you think you will get a sexy, titillating shot. I'm talking seriously angry disappointed. "Demanding your money back" disappointed. I beg you again. Do not ask this of me.
That said... I made a promise, and I'm going to keep it. If that is what you folks really, really want... on your own heads be it. We will all suffer a disaster beyond your imagination.