Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Erin Palette on Cam & Co. 5/3/2017

"Following the murders at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Erin Palette created Operation Blazing Sword. It's a resource for the LGBT community to find LGBT-friendly instructors to learn the basics of firearm safety. After going to the range and having an opportunity to shoot, they can make an informed decision as to whether firearms are for them. At the 2017 NRA Annual Meetings, Erin tells Cam that there are now over 1400 trainers in all 50 states. She says that her greatest challenge is to communicate with the entire LGBT community. Ironically, she thinks that a good denouncing from Gays Against Guns would help the organization get the attention it needs." Originally aired on Cam & Co 05/03/17.

Cam is a very cool and funny guy. Before the interview I told him "I'm always nervous when going on camera, because I'm worried I'll say 'clitoris' for no reason."  Cam replied with "In that case, we'd better get it all out of our system now: clitoris, ass, tits, pussy, dick..."  The laughter that ensued was captured in what is probably my favorite picture from the NRA convention, taken by a friend:

I also did a phone interview follow-up to this, but there wasn't a handy link to that. If you want to see the whole thing, go here; my phone interview starts around the 2hrs 27 min mark.

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