In This Episode
- Erin and Weer’d discuss:
- the linguistic sleight of hand that is the term "Gun Death";
- the Washington Post's decision to run photos of dead bodies to push gun control.
- Erin continues her interview with Annette Evans of On Her Own with some safety tips and product reviews;
- and David talks about some gift ideas for the gun-lover in your household now that the holiday season is here.
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Show Notes
Main Topic:
- International Men’s Day
- Hold My Guns
- Milwaukee Paper Discovers 'Gun Death' Lie
- Violence Voyeurism and the Washington Post's Shameless Agenda-Driven "Reporting"
Annette Evans:
- On Her Own
- Flashbang Bra Holster - What Works and What Doesn't - On Her Own
- Cat Ear Keychain (for reference only, do NOT buy these!)
Gun Lovers and Other Strangers:
- NSSF Gift Guns
- Fudd Busters - Gun Law 101: Straw Purchases
- Ammunition
- Magazines
- Optics
- Parts
- Slings
- Holsters - Leather
- Holsters - Kydex
- Cleaning kits
- Bench Mats
- Chronographs
- Eye and ear protection
- Reference books
- Posters
- Clothing
- Tin signs
- Buffalo Bill Center of the West – Cody Firearms Museum
- Springfield Armory National Historic Site
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- NRA National Firearms Museum
- It's a Wonderful Life
- Brena Bock Author Page
- David Bock Author Page
- Team And More