- Erin and Weer’d discuss:
- Massachusetts taking its sweet time in renewing Weer'ds gun permit renewed, and it's well over the promised 60 days;
- The best new gun publication in 2025 is … The New York Times?
- SCOTUS hearing petitions regarding (the nation of) Mexico's lawsuit against Smith & Wesson;
- and (the US state) New Mexico's Supreme Court decision about the governor's carry ban.
- John Richardson returns to talk about permitless carry returning to North Carolina;
- David explains the difference between Snap Caps and dummy rounds.
- How to Apply for a Massachusetts Firearms License
- The best new gun publication in 2025 is … The New York Times
- Supreme Court seems likely to block Mexico’s $10 billion lawsuit against US gun makers
- More Anti-Math
- Fast and Furious Scandal: New Details Emerge on How the U.S. Government Armed Mexican Drug Cartels
- New Mexico Supreme Court makes ruling on governor’s ban on guns in some Albuquerque areas
- No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money
- Elect a new NRA
- Washington Gun Law: North Carolina's Dangerous Constitutional Carry Bill
- Iliza Shlesinger: Plunge That Search Claw
- The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute
- A-Zoom
- A-Zoom Centerfire Snap Caps
- A-Zoom Orange Value Pack Snap Caps
- A-Zoom Rimfire Dummy Rounds
- Tipton Snap Caps
- 9mm Action Proving Dummy Round
- Fiocchi 12 Gauge Dummies
- Brass Wool Snap Caps 12 GA
- Pachmayr 22 LR Plastic Snap Caps
- Carlson's Rimfire Snap Caps .22 Long Rifle, Aluminum
- Chamber Swage
- Brownells Product Spotlight: Carlson's Rimfire Snap Caps
- Commercial Snap Caps
- DIY Snap Caps
- Brena Bock Author Page
- David Bock Author Page
- Team And More