- The continuation of my Witch Children story. No, I have not forgotten. The holidays have just eaten my brain, is all.
- A super-secret project wherein a friend of mine wants to adapt an idea I had into an MMO of some sort. Right now I'm writing the backstory and series bible. I can't tell you what it's about, but it is code-named "Jews In Spaaaaaaace."
- Seriously, that's the working name. If this ever gets off the ground, we'll probably call it something sensible, like Diaspora.
- A Christmas poem which I shall include in all my holiday correspondence this year, because the economy is shit and I am broke. So, yay! You get more words from me!
- It's better than socks, though. Amirite?
- There is NO.... rule 6.
- Also working on various commissions and such, as well as the next part of Curse/Or.
Dear Santa: Please bring me for Christmas a quiet place where I can write and not be interrupted. No, I can't use the library, I like to write in my underwear.
I'm not so sure that eliminates the library.