So there I am, trawling ze Facebookz and drinking my coffee, when I come across an article titled "25 Messages From NRA Members To Gun Control Supporters." I follow it, and I see some familiar faces...
I would recognize that bald head and biker 'stache anywhere! That's JayG!
I scroll down a little further and think, "This guy looks exactly like how I imagined Weerd Beard would look."
Turns out I was right!
And this cute li'l guy is one of the murderhobos in my Traveller agame, a.k.a. the Snooze Button Ronin!
#15 looks like someone I should know... perhaps it's Michael Bane? Unsure.
Congratulations guys! You photograph well!
UPDATE: I have been informed that this lady is Nancy R. of Excels at Nothing. Looking good, lady!