Friday, February 14, 2014
Meanwhile, over at Blue Collar Prepping...
Because I'm still wrecked from my 8+ hour headache yesterday, I'm calling an audible and running a guest post. It's still worth checking out, even if I didn't write it. Remember, we have new posts every Monday through Friday, so if you're not a regular reader, Fridays are a great time to get caught up with what happened during the week.
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Refrains from trolling the scout rifle community into weepy-eyed anguish...again.
ReplyDeleteCaleb, dear, your agenda is showing.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I never said anything about saving money. You did. That's 100% entirely your bias that you're bringing into the argument. Because you're trying to make me defend a point I never even made, I'm not even going to debate it.
Second, what people do with their own property is their own business, and they need no further justification than "Because it's mine and I want to." I recall you adopting this exact pose over at BCP when you asked why my Glock 26 had an extended magazine release and slide stop. Now, I actually have a reason for it, and I told you as much: I have small hands and this makes operation easier. But the fact of the matter is that I don't own you any explanation other than "It's my property and I wanted to do it."
Finally, I have seen this tired attitude so many times before. Like many purists, you can't stand the thought of spending money on what you feel is a "cheap" rifle. Oh, I've heard the arguments before: "You're confusing price with value" or "Your modifications cost more than the gun itself."
Well, so fucking what? People do crazy things with cars all the time, restoring junkers or trying to wring Ferrari-level performance from mid-range sportsters, and yet I don't see derisive comments about "Why not just buy a better car in the first place?" And look, the aftermarket parts section of our economy is doing just fine, bustling right along, with people buying and using parts -- and as long as those parts are being bought and used, they're going to need to be reviewed.
You are welcome to your opinion, but kindly keep your agenda off my blog. Thank you.
Being a writer that recommends products carries a burden of responsibility to your reader. It's the difference between being a professional who reviews products, and an egoist who just wants free swag.
ReplyDeleteHahaha! Oooh, look at Caleb, he's so professional he has nothing better to do than troll my blog, casting unfounded aspersions to make me look bad.
ReplyDeleteI find it amusing that you can't counter any of my points, so you abandon that to accuse me of being unprofessional.
I must really have you scared.
Says the person who redesigned their entire site to be more attractive to the companies giving out the swag.
ReplyDeleteOf course, we can expect this level of asshat from someone who actively thinks "assault rifle" includes semi-auto look alike guns.
I know, we're not supposed to remember that stuff.
It sure seems like you're upset that Erin's carved out a little niche for herself and nobody sent you any Mosin goodies to play with. There's the corner, go pout more quietly; would you?
HMMM ODD first you start by criticising a blogger for reviewing accessories that cost more than the rifle she putting them on, and now you are saying that its a bloger/writers job to properly review a product so which is it are you pissed Erin is reviewing mods that cost more than the rifle or are you finding something lacking in her reviews???
ReplyDeleteI'd think that professional has an obligation to not memory hole articles where they're losing the debate too. Someone will have to explain that to Caleb. 30 January, 2012 happened.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless the Internet Archive:
ReplyDeleteBecause the Mosin remains a Mosin, and therefore tougher than most $600 rifles. Ask Bayou Renaissance Man how American commercial bolt actions (other than the Winchester Model 70) fare in Africa.
ReplyDeleteBut this one goes to 11.
ReplyDeleteCaleb is correct that a reviewer has a responsibility to the reader. What confuses me is how such a comment is relevant at all to the content of the post. Somehow I'm missing these transgressions against the sanctity of writers.
ReplyDeleteSo far, the only "review" I've seen has been the typical, "Oh look! A new toy! Some people don't like these toys. I'll tell you if it's fun or not after I've played with it." That's not a review, that's a teaser to a forthcoming review. It's an ad to get readers excited for future content; a pretty standard practice.
There's no price listed, so I have no idea if the mag costs $20 or $400. There's no recommendation. There's no real information for good or for ill. None perils and violated responsibilities being referenced are actually present.
Is this merely a convenient post to air grievances? This is why I usually stay away from comments sections, Caleb. Your posts make it look like you just came to pick a fight.
I would say that Erin has handily dispensed with the straw man implicit in this particular comment, but let us take it at its face value, and go from there, shall we?
ReplyDeletePotential answers include:
Because no one makes a $600 bolt-action rifle that throws 10 rounds of 7.62x54r before having to be reloaded.
Well, damn, that really is the only answer one really needs. I mean, one could go the PSL route if you wanted to spend around $1000 for a good, not-hacked-together one, or one could go the route of the all-too-awesome VEPR or Zastava 7.62x54r rifles that are slowly filtering over from Russia, but those both fail the arbitrary budget and bolt-action requirements.
But, hey, let us keep moving on with potential answers:
Because building something from the ground up is often more fun than buying it off the rack.
Because building something from the ground up is more educational than buying it off the rack.
Because building something from the ground up engenders a sense of ownership that buying something off the rack does not always.
Because at the end of the day, this rifle will remain a Mosin, and can thus be used, abused, and beaten upon in far worse ways than your average $600 bolt-action rifle (though corrosive ammo will still make the rifle its bitch).
Because feeding this rifle, no matter how much the platform itself costs, will still be cheaper than feeding another rifle that shoots a slug of similar ballistic properties.
Because this is Erin's rifle and she can do with it as she bloody well pleases.
And probably the most important answer of all: Because fuck you, that is why.
The truth is, not everyone can plop down $600 for a rifle right off the bat ,and while I am a firm believer and ardent supporter of saving money, I can certainly comprehend how that can be difficult for people. So they piecemeal-build things, like this. Is it the most financially optimal solution? Probably not, but I do not see where "financially optimal" was a constraint anywhere on this build, despite the ashes of a straw man vigorously screaming it might have been.
On the other hand, Erin has learned a lot about her rifle, has shared a lot of that knowledge with people who might not otherwise have a clue, and has had a load of fun in the process.
Personally, I call that a win.
People find happiness in doing odd things with money.
ReplyDeleteHow much does this extension cost?
ReplyDeleteGuys! Stop having fun! We need serious business here!
ReplyDeleteThough I'd say Linoge has the definitive review.
Also, I *love* how the angry "You're not professional review!" comment... isn't at the actual review part.
Well gee-willikers, a preview post does make a poor review. It also makes a poor vlog and a bad novel.
It costs $140. I do not know if you consider that "a little bit expensive" or "rather a lot". What I can tell you is that the quality is obvious and that it's amazingly fun to shoot at the range.
ReplyDeleteThe review, complete with contact information for ordering it, may be found here.
See, to me, other than the engine being in the wrong place, that's just awesome times!
ReplyDeleteAnd cars are such an apt parallel. Some folks drop the scratch and buy something shiny and new and cool. Some of us spend the same amount of money breathing new life and dragging unimagined performance out of old hulks. In all honesty, the money is the least concern.
ReplyDeleteIf the goal is "best rifle for least shekels," go buy a Ruger American, or a Stevens, or whatever catches your eye. If the goal is more than the object at the end of the road, if it's the journey and the learning, and the knowing your rifle as well as Comrade Mosin, then get down with your bad self, and build exactly what makes you giggle when you send rounds downrange.