I wanted to make sure this was in the realm of "strongly plausible" before I said something, but it seems that the stars are actually aligning themselves in my favor (for a change): I will be attending Oddball's Bidet Shoot at Land Between the Lakes, KY, this June 21-23.
I'm as surprised as you are. Probably more so.
I am definitely freaking out more than you are. I've mentioned before how neurotic I am about people seeing and judging me, and now I'm going to travel 12 hours to meet 30+ people, most of them strangers, and hope they won't all hate me on sight.
If you're attending, and you see someone with a paper bag over her head, that's probably me.
Anyway, I'm now in the stages of planning what to bring along. The Visual Offense Against Good Design is coming, of course, as is my tarted-up Kel-Tec Sub-2000, and of course my carry pistol. What else should I bring? I figure everyone has already shot a 12 gauge and a .22 and an SKS. I'd bring along the PMR-30, but that's my mom's carry gun so that's not an option.
Also, I have about 100 rounds for the Mosin. Do you folks think that will be enough, or should I bring more? I want to make sure that everyone who wants to shoot has the chance. That's about 3 rounds/person, which isn't a full clip each, but the recoil is usually enough to turn most folks off after a single shot.
Oh, I'm also planning on bringing along toy ponies, just in case there's opportunity to make a truly absurd Glockenpony.
Anything else you folks want me to bring?