In This Episode
- Erin and Weer’d discuss the fate of Kyle Rittenhouse's rifle;
- David talks about the difference between Constitutional Carry and Permitless Carry;
- and firearms lawyer Benjamin Blatt discusses the problems with the recently passed Indiana Constitutional Carry law.
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Show Notes
- Igor finds Russian SAM system
- Kyle Rittenhouse’s Rifle Destroyed
- George Zimmerman Gun Sells For $250,000
- Picture of Zimmerman's Holster
- Bill allowing Ohioans to conceal carry guns without permit heads to Governor’s desk
- Alabama Becomes 22nd Constitutional Carry State
- Georgia House passes 'Constitutional Carry' handgun bill
- Indiana lawmakers pass bill to eliminate permits to carry handguns for Hoosiers 18 and older
- GA Senate Bill 319 [PDF Warning]
- TCA 39-17-1307 - Unlawful carrying or possession of a weapon
- TCA 39-17-1308: Defenses to Unlawful Possession or Carrying of a Weapon
- TCA 39-17-1315: Permit to Carry Handguns
- TCA 39-17-1351: Handgun Carry Permits
- TCA 39-17-1366: Concealed Carry Handgun Permit
- Constitutional carry passes Alabama Senate
- Alabama House Bill 272