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Photo by the inimitable Oleg Volk. |
Some days I feel like I can't honestly call myself a gun blogger, because while folks like Linoge and Weerd and Tam talk about them on a daily basis, I'm lucky to talk about them once a week. If anything, I am the gunblog community's bratty little sister: when I'm not too busy playing with my dolls or having imaginary tea parties, I sometimes tag along with them to the range to shoot my rifles.
Be that as it may, I've written a fair amount about my experiences with owning, buying, shooting, accessorizing and maintaining guns. A few female friends have told me that I make gun concepts accessible and less scary to them in a way that other blogs and articles do not. I have also become a rather successful reviewer of firearms and accessories.
This is a resource page for those gunnies who want to look at what I've written about firearms without having to wade through all the other nerdy stuff I like to talk about, like role-playing games and science fiction and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Every article with the "Guns" tag in descending chronological order (because that's just how blogger rolls).
Popular posts:
- Crimson Trace Lasergrips for the Ruger LCR, as reviewed by my 73 year old mother
- The fun and hazards of owning a Mosin-Nagant
- Accessorizing the Mosin-Nagant
- A review of the Kel-Tec Sub-2000 9mm carbine
- Accessorizing the Sub-2000
- How to shop for guns
- Oleg Volk's sexy photos of my heavily modified Mosin
- A thorough review of the Kel-Tec PMR-30 pistol by: Me; a handicapped lady named Gwen Patton; an instructor; my mother (also contains review of Smith & Wesson .380 Bodyguard).
My guns:
- Rev, my old bolt-action Savage 46 in .22LR
- Izzy, my M91/30 Mosin-Nagant
- Leo, my 12ga. Mossberg 500
- Oleg, my crowdsourced Glock 26
- Colby, my Ruger Bearcat SA .22LR
- Kelly, my Kel-Tec Sub-2000 in 9mm
- Simon, my Norinco SKS
- Francisco N. Stein, my AR-15
Especially relevant or important posts:
- My iteration of the Rules of Firearms Safety
- Lessons learned from a bad day at the range
- What not to do when sending your gun off to the gunsmith for modifications