Y'know, I love comic book conventions. There are few places where I feel more genuinely at home. I love the people there (MY people), and the general atmosphere makes me almost giddy at times.
HOWEVER, over the course of a three day convention (Wizard World Chicago, let's say), there are about twelve times that THIS conversation happens:
TROY: Hey, how's it going?
COMIC GUY: Great! So you do this Common Grounds comic?
TROY: Yep, that's one of mine.
COMIC GUY: That's so cool. I think I might have heard of it or something. Hey, how does a person go about getting their stuff published?
TROY: Well, that's---
COMIC GUY: 'Cause I have this fantastic idea for a new comic. If I could just get it published, I KNOW it'd be the hottest thing on the shelves!
TROY: Really? Well, I---
COMIC GUY: Let me tell you about it. It's about this girl named Gabrielle Ravenstorm, and she's a stripper. But what she doesn't know is that she's also the daughter of both a demon and an archangel, see, and she gets mixed up with this evil coven of witches, but when she crosses them, they end up using her as a human sacrifice. So because of her heritage, her soul is unable to fully enter either Heaven or Hell, see, and so she's taken in by this mysterious being

known only as The Other, right, and he trains her in every form of fighting arts, and he gives her this mystical sword, and if she strikes you with the sword, you end up going either to heaven or hell, depending on how it judges your soul...cause, see, the sword has it's own mentality and everything...and so The Other sends her out into the world to send souls on to their final destination...but what she doesn't know is that her father, the demon from Hell, hates her because of the angelic side of her nature, and so he keeps sending his hellspawn after her to bring her to Hell, see, and the only help she gets is from her boyfriend, Jake Blue, who's also a detective with the NYPD, but who doesn't know that he himself is also a fallen angel who has been charged, subconsciously, with protecting Gabrielle. Oh, and her sword can also teleport her anywhere on earth and it tells her when people are lying. And she has these big angel wings and can fly. Now, let me tell you what her first sixteen issues are like...that's all I've outlined so far...
TROY: I, uh, I've been sitting here for a good six hours now. I'd better hit the bathroom.
COMIC GUY: That's ok, I'll tell you about it on the way...
So, I have this idea that I just have to tell someone...it will make me a bunch of money...what's that, you've already heard it... :(
ReplyDeleteGreat story troy. :)
Boy.. they don't even give you a chance to say you're not interested do they?
ReplyDeleteI am going to memorize this verbatim and relay it back to you at the next con we both attend.
ReplyDeleteI liked that comic back when it was called Dawn.
ReplyDeleteHrm, sorry Mister Linsner, but it's true.
Seriously Troy, I feel for creators sometimes..
Just 'cause you didn't like my pitch, doesn't mean you should slander me all over the internets.
Hey, how do you go about getting your stuff published? Because I've got this idea for a comic book...
ReplyDeleteComic books will rot your brain.
ReplyDeleteAnd your teeth, if you make the mistake of eating them.
ReplyDeleteI would recommend eating Swamp Thing comics. The chlorophyll will keep your breath fresh...