The problem is in execution. While the traps themselves are workable, they are treated like spells for somedamnfoolreason in that the ranger can only learn one trap every other level, can only use those traps a fixed number of times per day, and (humorously enough) can create a trap as a full-round action... which means a trapper can quite literally dig a 5' pit in six seconds.
Because I didn't like this implementation, I did was I always do and take a chainsaw to the rules to make them fit my vision of how the game should work. I took the base ideas from Ultimate Wilderness and Heroes of the Wild, but I changed them a bit to make the creation time and difficulty make more sense, and the CR of the traps to actually follow the rules for trap creation in Pathfinder.
These rules have not yet been tested; my players are, of course, my guinea pigs in this experiment.
Trapper (Ranger Archetype)
- Remove Trap ability.
- Give bonus of Ranger level to all Craft (Traps) rolls used to create wilderness traps.
Skilled hunters and trappers are adept at fashioning effective, if simple, traps from humble materials.
- Each wilderness trap has an associated terrain wherein the raw materials for the trap are commonplace. Within these associated terrains, the base cost of each trap is calculated in silver pieces rather than gold pieces.
- When in a trap’s associated terrain, instead of paying one-third the item’s price in raw materials, the trap maker can attempt a Survival check against the normal Craft DC of the trap + (2 × the trap’s CR).
- If successful, the trap maker finds the necessary materials in the wild after 1d4 hours of foraging + 1 hour per CR of the trap; each 5 over the DC reduces the roll by 1 hour, to a minimum of 1 hour.
- She can then attempt a Craft (traps) check, also at the normal Craft DC + (2 × the trap’s CR), to build the trap, which takes another 1d4 hours + 1 hour per CR of the trap; each 5 over the DC reduces the roll by 1 hour, to a minimum of 1 hour.
- However, traps built with such crude materials don’t last long without maintenance; they have a cumulative 20% chance to break for every day they go without being tightened and reset (which requires 10 minutes of effort).
- Foraging may be eliminated through the possession of proper equipment (example: a shovel to dig a pit, ropes to build a breakaway vine, etc).
Perception DC
- 15 or lower: -1
- 16–20: 0
- 21–25: +1
- 26–29: +2
- 30 or higher: +3
- 15 or lower: -1
- 16–20: 0
- 21–25: +1
- 26–29: +2
- 30 or higher: +3
- 15 or lower: -1
- 16–20: 0
- 21–25: +1
- 26–29: +2
- 30 or higher: +3
- +0 or lower: -2
- +1 to +5: -1
- +6 to +10: 0
- +11 to +15: +1
- +16 to +20: +2
- Touch attack: +1
- Average damage: +1 per 10 points of average damage
- If designed to hit more than one target, multiply this value by 2.
- Automatic reset: +1
- Multiple targets (non-damage): +1
- Attacks an area: +2
- Proximity or visual trigger: +1
Example Traps
Breakaway Log CR 1
- Forage DC 22
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location (20' long line)
- Reset: repair
- Associated Terrain: any forests, jungles, or swamps
- Improvements: +1 CR per add'l 2d6 Damage; +1 CR per +5 DC Reflex save; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Breakaway Vine CR 1
- Forage DC 22
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: touch (timed)
- Reset: repair
- Associated Terrain any forests, jungles, or swamps
- Improvements: +1 CR per add'l 2d6 Damage; +1 CR per +5 DC Reflex save; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Spring Snare CR 1
- Forage DC 22
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 15
- Trigger: location
- Reset: manual
- Associated Terrain: any forests, jungles, or swamps
- Improvements: +1 CR per +5 grapple bonus; +1 CR per +1d6 damage; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Swinging Log Trap CR 1
- Forage DC 22
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location
- Reset: manual
- Associated Terrain: forests or jungles
- Improvements: +1 CR per add'l +5 Attack bonus; +1 CR per 2d6 Damage; +1 CR per +5 DC Reflex save; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Musk Shower CR 2
- Forage DC 24
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location
- Reset: none
- Associated Terrain: any
- Improvements: +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm; +1 to attack 10' square or 20' line.
Foot Snare CR 2
- Forage DC 24
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location
- Reset: automatic
- Associated Terrain: any
- Improvements: +1 CR to add caltrop effect; +1 CR per +5 grapple bonus; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Lifting Net Trap CR 3
- Forage DC 26
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location (10' square)
- Reset: manual
- Associated Terrain: forests, jungles or swamps
- Improvements: +1 CR per add'l +5 Attack bonus; +1 CR per 5 Strength of control; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Pit Trap CR 3
- Forage DC 26
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location (10' sq)
- Reset: manual
- Associated Terrain: all except aquatic
- Improvements: +1 CR per +1d6 damage (not 2d6 due to the difficulty of digging deeper); +1 CR for every add'l 10' sq; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Razor Grass CR 3
- Forage DC 26
- Perception DC 25
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location (10' sq. or 20' line)
- Reset: automatic
- Associated Terrain: any with undergrowth
- Improvements: +1 CR per +2d6 damage; +1 CR per +5 DC Reflex save; +1 CR for every add'l 10' sq; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Spring-Arm Spike CR 3
- Forage DC 26
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location
- Reset: manual
- Associated Terrain: any forests, jungles, or swamps
- Improvements: +1 CR per +2d6 damage; +1 CR per +5 DC Reflex save; +1 CR per +5 to hit; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Infected Punji Pit Trap CR 4
- Forage DC 28
- Perception DC 20
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location (10' sq)
- Reset: manual
- Associated Terrain all except aquatic
- Improvements: +1 CR per +1d6 damage; +1 CR for every add'l 10' sq; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Avalanche Trap CR 5
- Forage DC 30
- Perception DC 15
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location
- Reset: none
- Associated Terrain: hills, mountains or underground
- Improvements: +1 CR per +2d6 damage; +1 CR per +5 DC Reflex save; +1 CR for every add'l 10' sq; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
Deadfall CR 5
- Forage DC 30
- Perception DC 15
- Disable Device DC 20
- Trigger: location
- Reset: manual
- Associated Terrain: any forests, jungles, mountains, or underground
- Improvements: +1 CR per +2d6 damage; +1 CR per +5 DC Reflex save; +1 CR for every add'l 10' sq; +1 CR per +5 DC to Perceive or Disarm.
I'm curious to see how this plays out. It looks balanced to me, but I could be mistaken.