In This Episode
- Erin and Weer’d discuss some corrections on Ken and Karen in St. Louis, as well as some recent protests with some groups we didn't think would get along but are glad they did;
- Weer'd brings us part 1 of a series of fisks of the Brady Campaign's panel discussion of self-loathing gun owners;
- Xander talks about physical fitness and some simple exercises;
- and David talks about gun safes for safe storage of your firearms.
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Show Notes
Main Topic:
- St Louis Couple Explains why they pointed guns at protesters
- Black Lives Matter Protesters Unite with Right Wing Protesters for Virginia Gun Rights Rally.
- WA Gun Store Owner on the Frontlines of Surge in Support for 2A
Independent Thoughts:
Weer’d Audio Fisk:
- Brady Campaign-Gun Owners for Gun Violence Prevention
- Kyleanne Hunter- Brady Campaign
- FBI agent: SHOOTER reached out to other white supremacists before Emanuel AME Church shooting
- Weer’d World: Blog Fisk Of Moms Demand Action on the Virginia 2A Rally
- How Criminals get their guns
- Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 16
- Assorted Calibers Podcast Ep 17
Gun Lovers and Other Strangers:
- Handgun Radio 280 - Generations
- Browning
- Liberty
- Rhino
- Stack-On
- Steelwater
- Homeland
- Fort Knox
- Goldenrod Dehumidifier
- Cordless Rechargeable Dehumidifier
- Hornady - Cordless Led Safe Light
- Pistol Racks
- Pistol Hangers
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