In This Episode
Given the historic events of last week, we* have brought in professionals this week to expertly analyze and reflect upon what those events mean for us and for our nation.
- In separate interviews, Benjamin Blatt, Esq. and Clayton Cramer discuss the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act which was recently signed into law.
- Mr. Blatt then returns to discuss the implications of the NYSRPA v. Bruen Supreme Court decision.
*This was Erin's idea, and Erin is NEVER wrong! (Erin says: Weer'd wrote that. I would never say it. But neither am I going to delete it...)
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Show Notes
- S.2938 - Bipartisan Safer Communities Act
- Clayton Cramer's Website
- Bipartisan Bill Misreading
- Four Troublesome Provisions in the Senate Gun Bill
- Gov Hochul: I don’t need numbers
- New York governor signs bill to ban guns from Times Square, mass transit
- Store owners wary to alienate customers amid state’s changing gun rules
- Massachusetts Updated Permit Guidance
- California gun owners leak: Riverside County sheriff calls for investigation: 'Concerning to us'
- The Reload-California Data leak