The rest of the episode really is a mixed bag. The digital artists were on their A game in this episode, as everything looked good, from the Moon Spiders to the giant space butterfly to the moon itself. Especially the moon itself. It may be, as Erin suggested, just a color corrected desert, but that is one damn crisp and fine looking color corrected desert. The moon spiders themselves were icky and terrifying, and moved in a convincingly arthropidic manner, but there is no way those are 'single-celled organisms', let alone bacteria. Biology simply doesn't work that way. You don't form complex structures like legs and teeth in mono-cellular life. The idea of the moon being an egg is neat, and I can kind of work out how they think it works, but.. no. This is on the level of a gold arrow being shot into the hull of a space ship boosting the engines. And I can see what they were going for. The moon is 'laid' and is a mostly solid chunk of material, with a small life gestating in it. The life grows, consuming the interior of the moon for sustenance, but how does that increase the mass of the moon, causing the weather problems on Earth? This is bad science, and bad science that even I can't rationalize. And anyway, isn't the moon already 80 billion+ tons anyway? What difference is 1.2 billion tons going to make? And how's it supposed to just collapse into dust after hatching?
And how many suits did he nick from Sanctuary Base? Courtesy BBC |
The other major
issue is the Doctor's behaviour. Analyze the episode. Really look at
it. The Doctor contributes sweet eff all to the resolution of the
story. He realizes the moon is pregnant and then buggers off like a
deadbeat dad. He jumps in a hole, says a few rude things, and comes
back at the end to act all smug.
Which I really think works. There comes a time in every Doctor's life when you realize that you're not always safe when you're around him. That time came early for Twelve. Hot on the heels of the Everybody Lives moment of Time Heist, he manages to lose all but one of the guest cast, and righteously anger Clara by leaving her, and by proxy the human race, responsible for something he knew the proper outcome of. Clara very well could have been responsible for an extinction-level event, and that shook her badly. And he just swoops back in the end, acting all smug, like he's done a hundred times before, but Clara's just not having it. I hate the way he acts in this episode, and I love that it makes me hate it. Because he's such a dick, but he's not an out-of-character dick. It still feels like him, it's just that aspect of him that we want to overlook because he's the Doctor, and he'll always save the day... right?
Which I really think works. There comes a time in every Doctor's life when you realize that you're not always safe when you're around him. That time came early for Twelve. Hot on the heels of the Everybody Lives moment of Time Heist, he manages to lose all but one of the guest cast, and righteously anger Clara by leaving her, and by proxy the human race, responsible for something he knew the proper outcome of. Clara very well could have been responsible for an extinction-level event, and that shook her badly. And he just swoops back in the end, acting all smug, like he's done a hundred times before, but Clara's just not having it. I hate the way he acts in this episode, and I love that it makes me hate it. Because he's such a dick, but he's not an out-of-character dick. It still feels like him, it's just that aspect of him that we want to overlook because he's the Doctor, and he'll always save the day... right?
A few other things I liked: The rather
severe British woman leading the charge to the moon on the antique
Space Shuttle (those things are seriously so pretty. I cried when
they retired them) played by yet another returning Spooks/MI5 cast member. That apparently, by 2039, Mexico has a commercial
space program. That Africa has enough of an electrical grid to be
seen from space. The Doctor vehemently objects to his pictures being
posted on Tumbr. That we saw how we went from where we are now, with
a languishing space program to where we see ourselves in the future,
as building a far-reaching galactic empire. Danny's words to Clara,
and a hint at his 'really bad day.'
I do feel bad for Captain Lundvik,
having to walk who knows how far in a space-suit to get back to NASA.
Next time: I'm hoping this is better
than Titanic In Space was.
Addendum: There may be a rogue "T" floating around in this article. The formatting got ballsed up when I added the pictures, and I can't find it now. I've an official Marvel No-Prize for anyone who finds it.
Addendum: There may be a rogue "T" floating around in this article. The formatting got ballsed up when I added the pictures, and I can't find it now. I've an official Marvel No-Prize for anyone who finds it.
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