If you're a relic like me, you probably grew up with a horror host. You know the drill: a guy in cheesy makeup, stalking around a set full of styrofoam props and phony spiderwebs, delivering wilting puns while showing a gamut of the best/worst horror films an independent TV station can afford. On the west coast you had the likes of Seymour, John Stanley, and Elvira. The folks in the east enjoyed Zacherly and Count Gore. Here in the midwest, a fertile ground for the horror hosts, we sat up on weekend nights and watched Ghoulardi, Sir Graves Ghastly, Svengoolie, and even the Son of Svengoolie (Rich Koz, one of the most talented guys in Chicago television; I'll have to devote a full column to him at some point).

For me, the greatest of the horror hosts was Indiana's own Sammy Terry. In 1961, disk jockey Bob Carter moved to Bloomington, Indiana, and began filling a number of positions at WTTV-TV, including hosting a three-hour morning talkfest entitled "Coffee with Carter." When Universal Studios began offering a package of its old horror films, however, a number of independent stations created horror host programs to facilitate the showing of these classics. WTTV was no exception, and launched Shock Theater, with Carter doing voice-overs as they showed still photos during commercials. These intros and extros proved so popular, though, that the station pressed Carter to create an on-camera character, and Sammy Terry was born. The name of the show was changed to Nightmare Theater, and boy, that's sure what it was for me.

How do I describe Sammy? Well, he was a cloaked, hooded creature straight from the bowels of Gehenna...with a rubber spider named "George" on a very-visible string to keep him company. Sammy would do host segments to break up the movie, usually humorous stuff in typical horror host fashion, but there was always something damned deadly serious about him, too. Bob Carter had this wonderful voice, this cadence that could've made him the rival of most Shakespearean actors, and when he'd do a monologue, it would be a thing of beauty. The most unforgettable thing about Sammy, though, was his laugh. Oh, god, that laugh. On Friday nights, I'd huddle under the covers, and when the show began, and I'd hear that coffin lid creak, I'd pull the blanket up over my head and wait for THE LAUGH.

Bob semi-retired Nightmare Theater in the late 80s, but every few years since then, WTTV has brought him back for Halloween specials, during which he's shown films like the original Night of the Living Dead and, inexplicably, Batman Returns??? He also makes regular appearances at various "haunted houses" around the state in October (which lead to an interesting incident a few years ago in which some scoundrel was going around MASQUERADING as the real Sammy Terry and making some dough for these public appearances).

Sammy Terry and Bob Carter have played a bigger part in my life than they'll ever know. If not for them, I'm not sure I'd be the massive uber-nerd/comic writer I am today. I think about that pretty much every day, when I see the pic of Sammy I have affixed to the front of my refrigerator (I just wish it'd scare me away from the food).
Here's to you, Sammy Terry, and to all the horror hosts who have made our lives a bit more filled with wonder. Pleasant nightmares!
I don't recommend watching The Roost, because it's really terrible, but the beginning and end of the movie, with Tom 'Monster Squad' Noonan playing Horror Host. That couple of minutes is severely awesome.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember who the Horror Host of record was here in Northeast PA, or even if we had one by the time I was cognizant of it. I feel a little hole in my heart because of that, horror geek that I am.
See, I was cheated. I didn't even live here until the early-mid 90s, and by that time the grand tradition of horror host was long gone.
ReplyDeleteSo I was stuck with this guy.
Yeah, that redirects to Tales From The Crypt, but that's only because apparently the Crypt Keeper doesn't warrant his own article, or even a picture. Nice, huh?
Jeff, the big horror host in PA is generally considered to be Chilly Billy Cardille (people from other parts of the country would mainly know him from his cameos in both versions of Night of the Living Dead). Cardille's show, Chiller Theater, ran from 1963 to 1983. These days, he's a radio personality in the Pittsburgh area, I believe. Interestingly, his daughter Lori played the lead role in Romero's Day of the Dead.
ReplyDeleteSalem, like the drive-in, the horror host will never truly die (and there are still quite a few around, between the odd indy station, cable access stuff, and the net).