Thursday, July 26, 2007

Morgan Freeman: Pimp Daddy Extraordinaire

Salem MacGourley said...
I'm not questioning you, Erin, but Morgan Freeman's been an old man for so long that the mind has trouble wrapping around the words "young", "Morgan" and "Freeman" in correspondence with each other..

Not only was he young, but young Morgan Freeman was a pimp daddy, yo. Behold this clip from the 70s, where he totally macks on Sylvia. Notice how she instantly melts into his embrace... and a screencap at 3:13 makes her intentions plain to all! Despite (or perhaps because of!) a fire-engine red turtleneck and a HUGE afro, he completely rocks her world:

"Put them all together and then you'll know"? Oh, indeed.....

After that, YMF (Young Morgan Freeman... or would Yummy Mother Fucker be closer to the truth?) asks "Where the white women at?"

Answer: In the palms of your hands, YMF. In the palms of your mahogany, pimp-daddy hands!

Time it for yourself: it takes 32 seconds from his appearance on-screen for Carmelita's hands to go to the waistband of her skirt at his seemingly innocuous request for matches. She instantly complies with his request, despite knowing that he doesn't smoke. And look, at the 0:37 mark... her ass is up against his crotch.

"He never seems to get enough?" Oh, mais oui!

That, my male friends, is charisma. Animal magnetism. Sex appeal. You dig? He is smooth, he is cool, he even manages not to look stupid in those terrible 70s fashions. He is leading these women around on a chain of sex appeal and they are loving him for it.

Easy Reader? Oh yes. But also Easy Lover. He can read Anais Nin to me any day...

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