Sunday, July 28, 2013

Derpy Fett

I put it to you that Boba Fett is the Derpy Hooves of Star Wars fandom.

I swear to God, I did not know this picture existed
until I looked for images to bolster my claim. 

Consider the following:
  • Neither of them have had much "canonical" screen time or dialog. 
  • There are few actual facts about them. 
  • They appear mostly in the background. 
  • Nevertheless, they are deeply beloved by their respective fandoms...
  • ... so much so that a HUGE body of lore has sprung up around both of them. 
  • Their collectible toys are expensive, hard to get, and highly prized. 

Didn't know about this one, either. Honest. 

Discuss amongst yourselves.

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